Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Going Away Gifts...

So, as I mentioned in my last post, I am way behind on things these days. In my defense, I have a fairly good reason for being behind. I am in the process of moving from KY to IL. The good news for our blog is that we will now have access to local shops and other goodies in 2 parts of the country instead of just one. The sad news is that I won't be just a short drive away from Kim anymore. :-( But, when we get together, hopefully we can make a whole weekend of it! 

As I was getting ready to move, I was also working fast and furiously on some going away gifts for my friends in Lexington. I couldn't post pictures of any of those things until after I gave them to their recipients so now I can show you over the next week or so what I have been working on for the last month!

These are some little change pouches that I made for a few of my girlfriends. Who can't use a zippered pouch to keep a few smaller items under control in their purse? I used the Terry Atkinson pattern "Cash and Carry" as my inspiration. She uses a great techniques for putting in the zippers. I am typically a little scared of zippers but using her method, anyone can handle it.

Here are some close-ups of the 2 different designs I made this time.

I think my friends like their gifts and they were a joy to make. I highly-recommend this pattern.

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